Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Whoa, New Unit-"Raisin in the Sun"

Talking about dreams and limitations has guided some of our discussions through our reading of the play, "A Raisin in the Sun". We have also discussed roles, identity, and expectations. Beneatha tests out different aspects of who she thinks she may want to be; Walter forces his way into pushing toward who he wants to be; Ruth suffers through being a wife and mother, with peeks at loving joy she once held on to; Mama's pride helps anchor her and make her anchor for the family. Race issues like assimilation come up, and many more issues. Of course, as referenced in the title, we have discussed frustrations from unrealized dreams, and what that can do to a person.

Today, Tuesday, I assigned a RAFT paper that is due next Monday, December 1st; the test is December 2nd. The RAFT paper is less formal with spots demanding creativity, yet will be typed when turned in to me.

Students, feel free to post comments/thougts on the play and the RAFT here!


Anonymous said...

how do we do the format when we type it?

Anonymous said...

The formatting is "Dear Diary,": the rest regarding header and heading is less structured. You CAN maintain the structured formatting, or , you can rely on the Dear Diary...and leave it at that. I would appreciate a header still, especially if it is multiple pages. Double space is still good, so that I can easily read it. Otherwise, format as you'd like.

Anonymous said...

Ms. LaBeau,
I am not able to get the writing assiment beacuse the hotel will not let you open files... I might be able to try at my cousins house tommrow and see if it will work there at her house otherwise I will not be able to turn my essay in on Monday

Anonymous said...

Do we need to have an introducton and conclusion in our diary entry? Also, as we're writing, can we use 'you' implying the diary?

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I understand. It's in Word 2007, if that matters.
Good questions that followed Sarah! No, you do not need a formal intro and conclusion for this RAFT. As for "you", yes.
Thanks again for the birthday well wishes, and, Samantha, you amazningly thoughtful!

Anonymous said...

do we HAVE TO have a date on the diary entry?

Anonymous said...

DATE: I recommend including a date. Hopefully you've already realized what season it is in the play. You do not have to include any year, but make up a month and day. You do know it is not near Christmas or Thanksgiving in the play, for example...
Happy Thanksgiving, by the way!

Anonymous said...

if we are saying some is black in the entry, should we capitalize it?

Anonymous said...

how long should the RAFT be?

Anonymous said...

What season is the play in?

Anonymous said...

I think the seaso is during the spring/summer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What should we mention in the assignment because I'm a little confused on this.

Anonymous said...

You write a diary entry as either Bennie, Lena, ruth, or Walter Younger, and its suppossed to be written after Act two but before act 3 just describe what one of the characters might feel, their reaction to whatever happenned in act two. Deacribe confessions, truths, feelings, or frustrations, what would that character feel.

Sri said...

Does it have to be one long entry or couple of entries?
I am talking about the dates for the diary. Can it be more than just one day?

Anonymous said...

Several dates are fine. Paragraphs are welcome.

Anonymous said...

can we talk about the four topics in just one diary entry?

Anonymous said...

is march 1947 a good date?

Anonymous said...

i think its a pretty good date.
now im gonna use that date too!

Anonymous said...

I still don't get what to do with the dates,heading, and header

Anonymous said...

The Headers never work for me. I cant get them right. How do you get them to say the different page numbers?

Anonymous said...

if you have the older microsoft this is wat you do...

click view and then scroll down and you will see the word header and footer. click on it. you will see a bar pop up in the middle of your screen. and a text box will appear on the top. click the button align right all the way on the top not on the bar. and then you just type your last name. for the page number...there is a button on the bar that has the page number sign and click on it. then you close the bar and the header will be engraved onto the paper and the computer will add the numbers automatically so you dont have to worry.
hope that helped.

Anonymous said...

How long should the references to other people be?

Anonymous said...

I still don't really get it because I have the new microsoft word. But thanks anyway. I will figure it out sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

For the header in the new Word (07), go to INSERT, and header will be toward the right. As for heading, skip it. As for the help others have given, excellent! As for one diary entry, or more diary entires, you can go either way with it. As for how long on each, egads, I don't know, as long as you need. If you mention Karl Linder and your first impressions or new attitude about him quickly, they can be fine.

Anonymous said...

do we have to write our first name somewhere on the paper even if we have a header with our last name on it?

Anonymous said...

The header will be fine.

Anonymous said...

so theer should be 3 individula paragraphs,butin the same entry, is that fine? and what if you put a heading is that okay,too?

Anonymous said...

im confused on what part of the book we do the assignment?!?

Anonymous said...

I always have problems with indents and so one paragraph does not have one. Is that ok?

Anonymous said...

do we have to use 'dear diary'? If you were to do certain characters like Walter or maybe Beneatha, I'm not sure they would write 'Dear Diary'. Maybe if we could change it to 'Dear Beneatha, or Dear Journal. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

So it HAS to have minimum three , indented, paragraphs. And it has to have "Dear Diary". The heading is fine, but not required. This assignment covers Act I through and including Act II.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the name of the bar??

Anonymous said...

how do you end the paper?

Anonymous said...

Are we having a ARS test on Tuesday? even though we didn't finish ACT 3 yet?